Massage Therapy: Why is it good for Stress and Pain?

Massage therapy provides a ton of health benefits, but possibly none more life-changing than the effect it has on stress and pain. This powerful tool is a great way to take control of your own health and avoid self-medicating with prescription drugs, alcohol, or other substances. There are tons of different types of massages and a wide variety of places that now offer this therapy as an alternative form of treatment, but all will provide similar health benefits – while reducing your stress and relieving your pain.

Stress relief

Stress is an important part of life – it keeps you motivated and on task, and keeps your reflexes sharp. The fight-or-flight response created by the adrenaline stimulating your heart rate and the boost to your blood sugar from increased cortisol plays an important role – but too much stress can cause your body to react in a very negative way. This can manifest through physical symptoms like upset stomach, chest pain, headaches, insomnia, and even elevated blood pressure. Increased stress can also worsen symptoms associated with certain conditions or diseases.

However, massage has the power to help your body deal with stress in a positive, healthy way. Just one session can be enough to make a significant impact on your heart rate, cortisol levels, and insulin levels – lowering them enough to take your body out of fight-or-flight mode and promote relaxation. While loosening your tense muscles, massage increases your body’s “feel good” chemicals – endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine – creating an all-over calming effect that can make any stress seem a much less pressing issue.
Pain relief

More than a quarter of Americans over the age of 20 have dealt with chronic pain that persists more than 24 hours – which has a huge impact on anyone’s quality of life and productivity at work. Unfortunately, most pain medications come with a host of unwanted and very unpleasant side effects, leading more and more people to turn to massage as a way to deal with ongoing pain issues.

Patients suffering from pain syndromes like arthritis and fibromyalgia have reported positive results from incorporating massage into their treatment program – noting that massage therapy resulted in an increased range of motion and quicker, easier movements. Grip strength and associated pain were diminished, and patients also showed lowered levels of anxiety and elevated moods. This makes sleep much easier, giving chronic pain sufferers more opportunity to heal and fight their pain in a more effective, efficient way.

Massage therapy, and the release of the “feel good” chemicals into the brain, can be a great way to treat pain and stress in a natural, healthy way. Living with chronic pain or ongoing stress is incredibly hard on sufferers, but by introducing the non-invasive, medication-free therapy of massage, patients can see benefits almost immediately.

However, keep in mind that massage is not a replacement for other types of medical care. If your stress or pain can’t be managed through medications or massage, you should see a health care professional to determine the specific cause of your condition and look at other alternative treatments.

Thank you to Jon Reyes who wrote this article. Jon is a guest author for Therapeutic Massage from and is a respected and expert voice in a plethora of health related subjects with over 10 years of writing under his belt.

5 health benefits to getting a massage

We want you to know the 5 Health Benefits of getting a regular massage!


Massage therapy from a licensed practitioner can:

  • Lower stress
    The long-term effects of stress can take emotional and physical tolls. Massage therapy may relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.
  • Increase immune function
    Medical research indicates that massage therapy can help boost immune system strength by increasing the activity level of the body’s natural “killer T cells,” which fight off viruses.
  • Boost mental health and wellness
    Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression (all associated with mental health) may be directly affected with massage therapy.
  • Manage pain
    Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury.Recent findings highlight the role of massage in pain management.
  • Improve physical fitness
    Elite and recreational athletes alike can benefit from massage therapy-massage can reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries.

(source – American Massage Therapy Association)

Are you in the Western North Carolina Region? Schedule your appointment With us today!

Infant Massage

Infant Massage is an age-old tradition that has been passed down from mother to child since the beginning of time.

Benefits of Infant Massage for Baby

  • Infant-Parent attachment or “bonding”
  • Relaxation
  • Helps baby feel loved
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Facilitates body awareness
  • Boosts immune system
  • Sensory stimulation
  • Improves skin condition
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps digestion
  • Balances respiration
  • Relief for teething pains
  • Help waste elimination
  • Helps build parents’ and baby’s self-esteem
  • Helps you learn about your baby (their needs and desires)
  • Relaxes parents
  • Pleasurable experience
  • Stimulates production of oxytocin (Oxytocin is a hormone which can be produced by both male and female persons during massage. It is useful as a pain reliever and has a calming effect on the person.)

Benefits of Infant Massage for Parents

  • Caregivers report feeling more comfortable and confident in their ability to care for baby.
  • Parents learn to understand and respond to baby’s cues.
  • Parents learn techniques to comfort, calm and soothe their babies.
  • Provides an additional avenue for close and nurturing contact.
  • Infant Massage is one of the most natural and pleasant methods of providing this important early nurturing and an amazing tool for helping parents become closer to their babies.

Infant Massage provides these benefits in 4 distinct ways:


Stimulates all the systems of the body including the:

  • Nervous system
  • Circulatory system
  • Respiratory System
  • Elimination System
  • Immune System

Stimulates the release of oxytocin, known as the cuddle hormone (is released in both parent and child), prolactin (promoting milk production in the mother) and other endorphins.


  • Helps relieve tension built up from all the stimulation in the baby’s environment
  • Helps babies handle sensory stimulation and respond in a relaxed manner
  • Helps babies sleep better
  • Helps regulate sleep/wake cycle


  • Touch combined with vocalization helps reduce pain levels up to 80%
  • Helps tone digestive tract
  • Helps alleviate gas and promote elimination
  • Releases hormones for food absorption.
  • Releases endorphins, natural pain killers, to ease emotional distress

“Bonding is a unique relationship between two people. It is specific and endures through time.”M. Klaus

-Bonding and Attachment

  • Infant massage draws on all the elements of bonding and attachment
  • Eye-to-eye contact, skin-to-skin, body scent, vocalization, taste, responsiveness
  • Hormones stimulated by infant massage promote bonding and attachment between parent and baby